Feb 05

Here is script howto mount guest VM to control domain VM. If you want to make file backups from snapshot or like in my case, configure new vm ( ip address etc ) one can easily modify it.

# 2011

if [ ! -n "$1" -o ! -n "$2" -o ! -n "$3" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <target vm uuid> <control domain uuid> mount|umount"
  exit 1

case "$3" in
if [ -f /tmp/tmpvbd ]; then
  echo "VBD allready exists!"
  exit 1

# Get uuid of vm you want to configure
VMUUID=`xe vbd-list vm-uuid=$1 params=vdi-uuid empty=false --minimal`

# Create VBD link to VM VDI on dom0
NEWVM=`xe vbd-create vm-uuid=$2 vdi-uuid=$VMUUID device=1`

# Plug it to dom0
xe vbd-plug uuid=$NEWVM

VM_VDEV=`xe vbd-list uuid=$NEWVM params=device --minimal`1

# Lag
sleep 1

# Mount it
mount /dev/$VM_VDEV /mnt/newvm

echo $NEWVM &gt; /tmp/tmpvbd
# Do what ever you like
# ....


if [ ! -f /tmp/tmpvbd ]; then
  echo "No VBDs mounted?"
  exit 1

umount /mnt/newvm

NEWVM=`cat /tmp/tmpvbd`

# Unplug
xe vbd-unplug uuid=$NEWVM

xe vbd-destroy uuid=$NEWVM

rm -f /tmp/tmpvbd

exit $?

2 Responses to “Mount guest VM VBD to xenhost or “dom0” on XenServer”

  1. Felix Says:

    [root@xenserver ~]# sh cf35d15c-f6b0-f64a-7716-a9088c4023cf 3b51fc2a-dc2f-4cb9-947e-d09b147858e6 mount
    mount: you must specify the filesystem type

  2. contact Says:

    I Assume you have hypervisor supported filesystem on guest vm?

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