Feb 16

Internal error: Failure(“Error from xenguesthelper: caught exception: Failure(\\\”Subprocess failure: Failure(\\\\\\\”xc_dom_linux_build: [4] xc_dom_boot_mem_init: can’t allocate low memory for dom\\\\\\\”)\\\”)”)

Can be fixed in XenServer with command:

# xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=machine-address-size uuid=UID_OF_VM
Feb 07

Nice new command in Solaris 11 express and Solaris 11 is ipadm. The command is soon to replace good old ifconfig. Here is little cheat sheet for basic operations.

Use dladm to list info about physical interfaces:

# dladm show-phys
LINK              MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
net0              Ethernet             up         100    full      bnx0
net4              Ethernet             down       0      unknown   ixgbe0

Notice that Oracle has changed link names to be netX by default and not after link name.

This is not the case if you upgraded from express to 11. You can rename the link name with dladm rename-link old-linkname new-linkname

To configure address to interface we first need to bring the interface up (plumb)

# ipadm create-ip net4
# dladm show-phys net4
LINK              MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
net4              Ethernet             up         10000  full      ixgbe0

Configure address to newly created interface.

Static IP:

# ipadm create-addr -T static -a net4/lan


# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp net4/lan

Change netmask:

# ipadm set-addrprop -p prefixlen=8 net4/lan

List active interfaces:

# ipadm show-if
lo0        loopback ok       yes    --
net0       ip       ok       yes    --
net4       ip       ok       yes    --

Show current addresses:

# ipadm show-addr
ADDROBJ           TYPE     STATE        ADDR
lo0/v4            static   ok 
net0/v4           static   ok 
net4/lan          static   ok 

Add default gateway, -p for persistance so it will be activated on reboot:

# route -p add default

Delete address:

# ipadm delete-addr net4/lan

Delete interface:

# ipadm delete-ip net4
Feb 05

Here is script howto mount guest VM to control domain VM. If you want to make file backups from snapshot or like in my case, configure new vm ( ip address etc ) one can easily modify it.

# 2011

if [ ! -n "$1" -o ! -n "$2" -o ! -n "$3" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <target vm uuid> <control domain uuid> mount|umount"
  exit 1

case "$3" in
if [ -f /tmp/tmpvbd ]; then
  echo "VBD allready exists!"
  exit 1

# Get uuid of vm you want to configure
VMUUID=`xe vbd-list vm-uuid=$1 params=vdi-uuid empty=false --minimal`

# Create VBD link to VM VDI on dom0
NEWVM=`xe vbd-create vm-uuid=$2 vdi-uuid=$VMUUID device=1`

# Plug it to dom0
xe vbd-plug uuid=$NEWVM

VM_VDEV=`xe vbd-list uuid=$NEWVM params=device --minimal`1

# Lag
sleep 1

# Mount it
mount /dev/$VM_VDEV /mnt/newvm

echo $NEWVM &gt; /tmp/tmpvbd
# Do what ever you like
# ....


if [ ! -f /tmp/tmpvbd ]; then
  echo "No VBDs mounted?"
  exit 1

umount /mnt/newvm

NEWVM=`cat /tmp/tmpvbd`

# Unplug
xe vbd-unplug uuid=$NEWVM

xe vbd-destroy uuid=$NEWVM

rm -f /tmp/tmpvbd

exit $?